Friday, 9 September 2011

Introducing....The Green Goddess

Forget those post-war Bedford fire trucks or Diana Moran strutting her stuff clad chin to toe in emerald lycra, the new green Goddess has arived. This Green goddess is, like Diana, slim and elegant but unlike Diana, made of fibreglass with sparkly bits.

Her maiden voyage was from Fort Victoria to the Needles, on the Isle of Wight, via Hurst Castle. It was a glorious sunny day and the sparkly bits in the green deck looked fantastic. She's a Cetus LV with all the high performance handling characteristics I'm used to from P&H. Here are a few pictures of the views.

Here's a different Green Goddess

And here's the other one!

1 comment:

  1. I had a good look at her on top of your Van at the IOWSK symposium. Certainly looks a beauty! Was as jealous of your van as much as the boat however!!
